Friday, April 22, 2005

The WC in Amelie

I know I've made this observation before in conversation, but I thought I'd bring it up again since I happened to have a bit of a deja vu just now, when I was in different bathroom with a certain hand-towel system...

My image of Paris encountered a bit of a paradox during Amelie. On the one hand, the movie makes the setting look so quaint and safe, and above all, SANITIZED. For example, you'd feel perfectly at home sitting in the photo booth, and you wouldn't be worrying about what vagrant urinated there before you came.

This image was then jarred when one of the Two Windmills patrons went to the bathroom; washed his hands; dried them on NON-DISPOSABLE CLOTH TOWELS hanging on the towel rack (!!); and then DRIED HIS FACE ON SAID NON-DISPOSABLE CLOTH TOWELS and left them there for the next patron.

I thought, either the French are the cleanest people in the world (ie, so clean that the drying of faces on a common towel will not transport diseases), or they are the dirtiest. Not that I'm judging or anything.


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