Friday, March 18, 2005


I didn't finish my paper. I took an incomplete instead. I know, pending disaster. Well, such is the nature of the mortgage. I took the draft off my blog and copied it onto a real back-up disk, like a normal person. Lest I lose my readership of 3.

I think I'm going to have to go to Michigan, which just about terrifies me. Who knew I could have a culture shock in my own country (not counting the south)? I definitely was NOT expecting it. Talk about Abercrombie attack! You'd think it were a myth, some made-up media fantasy about Germanic-flavored collegiate boys that play squash and hunt, oh I don't know, moose. But it's all, all too true. Meat and potatoes, corn-fed good nature, early-death diet; not a bean sprout or a hippie in sight. I think I'll feel lonely here and expatriated from my beautiful sun and my cool Pacific and those androgynous men, and ethnic people; and I'll miss my friends, as I never did before when I was in transitional moments, because I've come to depend on friends like I've always depended on family. That having been said, I do feel at home among the people in my academic program. Liberal, intellectual, down-to-earth, funny: it's the closest possible thing to what I have now, except better.

Prof. Ruth S told us a funny thing her brother said about Ann Arbor: "bourgeois paradise." He said this when he visited a state-subsidized water park that was frequented by everyone, from the most spoiled teenagers to the poorest street thugs. It was sqeaky clean in a surreal way, a la Disneyland, but because the admission rate was so cheap, there was also a populist vibe to the place. "Perfect for leftist academic types," remarked one professor.


Blogger GyangBang said...

ACK! Michigan! Rex in Michigan! I'll have to sit down before I pass out!

8:59 PM, March 19, 2005  
Blogger Rex said...

Aw G, you're a sweetheart! I think the choice is clear: you'll just have to come to med school in Michigan :-P You like Abercrombie, right? Just hunt yourself a moose and you'll fit right in!

10:14 PM, March 19, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, what happened to UCLA?>

3:58 AM, March 21, 2005  
Blogger Rex said...

Best explained by analogy: it was like being on a date with a super-hot guy, only to find that he can't carry on a conversation. Believe me, I was disappointed when I realized I didn't want to go there anymore.

4:15 PM, March 21, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You needn't worry. There are many bean sprouts, hippies, and metrosexuals in Ann Arbor. You'll find them all at Whole Foods on Washtenaw when you get here. It's a bit like Palo Alto, only it snows here.

2:42 PM, March 24, 2005  
Blogger Rex said...

Who do I know in Ann Arbor? Dare I hope that I now have a forth reader? I don't count Yeah I Can Ride a Horse because I know he's not a regular. Maybe Andrew WK is a fan of me, just like I'm a fan of him...ha ha!

9:26 PM, March 24, 2005  
Blogger Rex said...

I mean "fourth"

9:28 PM, March 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rex, we don't know each other.
I'm too straight to have a blog.
I found your blog by using technorati to search for what people were saying about Ann Arbor. I've lived lots of places, and I've spent some time in California. I went to the University of Michigan. There are many, many Californians there--people often wonder if there isn't some sort of tunnel between Ann Arbor and Berkeley. If you do end up here, I promise you that you'll be surprised by the diversity of the town. It sounds like you saw a very small slice that isn't very representative.
The one thing missing, though, is that we don’t have oatcakes. I really miss those. We had them for a while, but they’re gone again.
I do like your blog. You have a definite, strong voice.

1:56 PM, March 29, 2005  

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