Monday, March 05, 2007

Something I Thought I'd Never Seen Again, Ever

I was at the airport yesterday totally zonked out because I had taken some sleeping pills...and I barely woke up in time to board the plane. I was just about the last one to board, but I still got held up because some couple in front of me was embracing passionately and crying on each other and stuff. I pushed ahead of them impatiently and went through the gate, and as I was waiting in line there the crying woman came behind me and I could hear her sniffling and talking on the phone: "I'll call you when I land *sniff!* I'll talk to you soon *sniff!* I'll call you as soon as I land..."

Chah! Talk about co-dependent...


That's when I realized that I had witnessed a total anachronism: the tearful parting at an airport gate. Why don't we see them anymore? Because after 9/11 only ticketed passengers are allowed to get through as far as the gate. That means that this woman's boyfriend or whatever BOUGHT A TICKET HE DIDN'T USE JUST SO HE COULD SPEND THOSE EXTRA FORTY MINUTES WITH HER before they absolutely had to say goodbye. Meow, unless one of them is going to die in the next month, I'm deciding that those two are completely mental. Of course if they are dying, I'm going to hell...still.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's always the possibility that they were both catching flights, but different ones to different places. Don't know how likely that is, but it's at least conceivable.

1:02 PM, March 05, 2007  
Blogger Da said...

or the bf could have worked at the airport and had access.

10:35 PM, March 05, 2007  
Blogger Rex said...

Those are possibilities. I prefer to think that they are hoplessly infantile. I mean, they couldn't even stand to wait half a minute apart before they got on the phone with each other.

9:23 AM, March 07, 2007  

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