Sunday, February 19, 2006

The worst thing

is sitting through a dinner party where there is someone who thinks we're interested in things we're not, such as: her cat, her mom and dad's job of tracking down old church organs, her boyfriend, her cousin's invention of a tapioca and soy flour mix to accomodate her gluten allergy, etc. The current of pain that shot through all our bodies whenever she started taking over the conversation was almost palpable.

The rest of the dinner was excellent, however. We had roast lamb. I even picked up a new joke.

Back in in the middle ages there was the big famine and everyone was dying. So a group of the townspeople went to the church and started praying for God to send them some bread. Miraculously, a loaf of bread fell from the sky. So every day after that, the townpeople continued to go to church and pray for bread. This went on for four days, and on the fifth day, the bread stopped falling. Distraut at the loss of their miracle, the townpeople investigated...until they found a leper with no arms and no legs stuck in the rafters.

Changing topics: weird dream. Last night I dreamt I had a dog who could curl himself up and transform into a basketball.


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