Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Beyond Parody: Cheney

Michael Jackson is the proverbial freak who, as one of my readers likes to say, is "beyond parody," because every time we make fun of him, he goes and does something so weird that our jokes can't even keep up. Classic example: we give him grief for molesting boys, then he goes and dangles a baby off a balcony.

The Republican party is known for two things: being evil and being dumb. This caricature was nicely divided between the president and the vice president around their first election, though in the second term more people are beginning to think that maybe Bush represents the evil as much as he represents the dumb. Cheney, not to be outdone, also went out to prove that he can be as dumb as he is evil.

I mean, really: this hunting accident? No parody could have come up with something so perfect. I was about to leave the issue alone, but then it came out today that the victim of the shooting suffered a mild heart attack as a result of one of the pellets being lodged in his heart. What if Cheney had killed a man? Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.

I came across the most bizarre quote in the NY Times article I was reading. From the shooting victim's doctor: "There's tens of thousands of people that go around with shrapnel in their body every year," - ie, it's no big deal.

What? Yeah, there are tens of thousands of people walking around with shrapnel in their bodies. They're called veterans.

One more quote, from the Onion:
"Being a compassionate conservative, Cheney immediately apologized and offered to snap the poor man's neck."


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