Thursday, August 18, 2005

Depression - Part Summer

I've suspected that I may be depressed again this week because I've been utterly unable to concentrate with my studies. But then I thought, "Nah, what do I have to be depressed about?" and attributed it to sheer laziness, and the slacker instinct that comes when you surf every other day.

But last night I went to sleep pretty early and got up really, really late. That always tells me for sure that I must be depressed. The oversleeping- without fatigue - is usually one of the first, and surest, indicators for me.

Then it occurred to me how nice it is to be depressed over the summer. Having no urgent tasks, I don't really lose anything by not studying and not being able to concentrate. The consequences are so light that I didn't even notice that I was depressed. So call it an upside.

* * *

By the by, I went to see the King Tut exhibit at the LACMA with my parents last Tuesday. I may write more about it later, as much of it was very beautiful. But a quick FYI: don't be fooled by the publicity campaign, because the famous sarcophagus is not allowed to leave Egypt.


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