Friday, June 30, 2006

Mallrats + TV

1. Mallrats is a dumb teen movie (+) with the most unfortunate pretentious dialogue (-). I have such hostility for those self-righteous dweeb types that Brody and TS represent. I do, however (and shockingly), enjoy Shannen Doherty's work, and her character in Mallrats is especially good. All in all, an okay movie. It has high jinks and a happy ending.

2. Ever notice how you actually have thoughts in the shower? Normally, I don't pay attention to those thoughts, but today I did because they were funny. I was recalling that part in Starsky and Hutch where they go to Big Earl's bar and rough up the barkeep, Jeff. When Jeff tries to tell them that he's not Big Earl, and S. and H. don't believe him, he says, "Look at me. I'm not even that big." Starsky says, "Well, maybe it's one of those ironic names, like the guy named Tiny who's eight feet tall." "No, but in order for it to be ironic, he'd have to be a lot shorter. This guy's just average."

Lo and behold, not ten minutes after I was thinking of it, I saw that very seen of Starsky and Hutch on TV!

3. I don't understand how Dashboard Confessional qualifies as a band. The only one who ever gets to see the light of day is that one guy, so that I was beginning to think that maybe his stage name was Dashboard Confessional. But I looked it up and nope, it's still a band.

The other amazing thing is: how does their label still qualify as indie? I'm sure they're much more successful right now than a lot of major labels.

And finally...

4. CHEAP TRICK ON CONAN TONIGHT!! What a sad position they're in in their golden years. They're not big enough to tour only, like the Stones; their fans just want to hear "I Want You To Want Me" and "Surrender"; they're not going to be making very many new fans; and yet to be taken seriously their best bet is to keep pumping out new music. Who will buy this new music, I wonder. When I think about that, suddenly Aerosmith's decision to play weak-ass love songs for the pimple squad starts to make a lot of sense.

Incidentally, Bun E. Carlos is like the normalest-looking one now. I'm happy for him, because now he can make the former-hotties in his band look totally silly, but I'm also sad that one of my favorite spectacles problably can't be reproduced anymore.


Blogger Bob Dively said...

Bun E. Carlos is one of those guys who somehow manages to look exactly the same for 40 years.

9:02 AM, June 30, 2006  

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