Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Fart; and, the best pun in the universe

I was strolling along by myself, just minding my own business and walking my dog, when I hear this toot. That's funny, I thought, I don't remember farting. Then I realized it was the dog! I never knew that was possible...until my dog proceeded to have a mini episode of the runs, and put it all in context...

Ha, the kid cracks me up! I laughed my head off.

Totally independent of this, I woke up this morning and out of nowhere remembered this old schoolhouse joke we used to tell. I rolled it over in my phrenes a while, and decided that it had all the material of being the finest pun I've ever met:

How do you say "room 9" in Korean?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't get it! -hdg

11:26 PM, May 02, 2006  
Blogger Rex said...

Sorry about that. I got carried away with the chosen theme of this post.

bang = room
koo = 9
bang koo = fart

Tee hee!

Why so exquisite? Because it requires a fairly intelligent, or at least bilingual, set-up (you can't ask how you say room 9 in Korean while saying it in Korean). But the punchline is absolutely mindless and juvenile. Plus you can't go wrong with a fart joke. Plus "bang koo" just sounds funny.

1:29 AM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger pughd said...

That's prety funny!

But seriously, you didn't know your dog could fart? Exactly what type of dog do you have and what do you feed it? On a pretty regular basis, Charlie, or Sir Stinksalot as I like to call him, makes sure I know just how a nasty a dog can be.

11:19 AM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger Rex said...

The K-man gets about 1.5 cups of NutriNuggets every day. We give him lots of doggie snacks, and sometimes human food, and on special occassions, a canned doggie dinner. I guess his current diet is pretty good for flatulence.

3:21 PM, May 03, 2006  

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