Monday, December 05, 2005

Sand in Vagina Joke

There are certain jokes that get more funny, not less funny, with repetition. I'm of the opinion that The Big Lebowski is like a big version of this, which is why it's not so funny the first time, but uproarious every time after.

One of the punchlines to South Park's "It Hit the Fan" is Cartman saying that Kyle just has some sand in his vagina, ie he's being uptight. Here is my favorite rendition of that repeating joke.

Look at this, children. It says that the people in England believed that the plague was a curse, a dark magic infliction brought on by a mass utterance of a word of curse.

Word of curse?

A c...curse word.

Of course! I've never even thought about why we use the term "curse word" before.

Because it brings a curse? Like the Black Death.

You guys, look here. In this Nancy Drew mystery, Nancy goes to the beach and gets SAND trapped in her SHOE. This... could explain how Kyle got it in his vagina.

Cartman, this is serious!!!


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