Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Trauma Is Feminine

according to Loveline. I did not know this.

Earlier in the show, Adam was going on about how men are programmed to take shit, whereas women are more likely to walk away and say, never again! Dr. Drew, the cute boring one, joked about listeners mailing in our complaints - presumably about the sexism - but he basically agreed with Adam.

A little later, a woman called in about how her husband refuses to go south because an old girlfriend once urinated on him, and he was traumatized. Dr. Drew and Adam both IMMEDIATELY called him out on that as a hoax. This was surprising. To me, it sounded like a legitimate story. But Adam pointed out that boys will repeatedly do the same stupid things, and bounce back up, like a surfer who gets his arm bitten off by a shark but then continues to surf at that exact same break. The urination story was the kind of lie a dude would tell who KNEW it was exactly what a chick would believe: being scarred for life.


Drew then expressed concern over what kind of character this woman's husband was, and cautioned her in general. Is it so obvious that this husband is a shyster? To quote an old 90s song: things that make you go "hmm."


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