Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Some Bad and Some Good

There's a new name to my bane, and it's called I should have known better than to step into this, with my addictive personality! I was trying to solve the sudoku in the Sunday Times, but got frustrated and turned to the web. Terrible idea.

The unexpected good that came out of this, though, is that it was an easy weaning from my celeb gossip addiction. I've been trying to get off because the quality of the jokes has really tanked; I think the old writer might have sold it off unbeknownst to us, because sounds a lot more like thesuperficial than thesuperficial does now. Dlisted was never as funny, but the reporting was much more thorough...but then that thoroughness became a problem of its own, since it became a time vacuum to catch up with all the important ish each day.

On an unrelated note, I went surfing today, and I had the funnest time in a long time! I really felt myself moving onto a new steps, but an upward movement nonetheless.


Blogger Cephalopod said...

Aw, dude, were you inspired by the Girls Next Door surfing adventure? That looked like a lot of fun, and once again made me like Kendra and Bridget even more. But I have to say that Holly is a pretty quick learner with the swimming.

9:02 AM, March 05, 2008  
Blogger Rex said...

lol, actually I didn't see this week's episode until I got back from the beach. Is it just me or do these Playboy parties look hella boring? It's like they said "clambake = good" and reduced it ad absurdum. Sure a slightly higher female ratio is desirable, but if you're going to even out the male portion with only people like Keith Hefner and All the Way Ray...well, I don't care how many models there are, Twister and limbo are still going to look like a nunnery.

7:04 PM, March 06, 2008  
Blogger Cephalopod said...

Well, the company might be not so great (w/exception of Bridget, Kendra, and Kelly Slater) but all I heard was "free margarita machine" and "food". Those are sufficient for a good time, but my standards are determined by my stomach!

I liked the 4th of July party though. Lots of food, and lots of people, and of course, the huge water slides down the front lawn. I am totally not down with murder mystery nights, although it was hilarious how competitive Holly and Kendra got. Ah, nights at the Mansion. You should ask your crazy acquaintance about that; I'm sure she was invited.

2:07 PM, March 07, 2008  

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