Saturday, September 09, 2006

Pants Are Good, But It's Annoying to Wear Them All the Time

Some of you may remember my stealth courtship of my German teacher last winter. I was auditing his class but I still needed a lot of help, so I took him out for beers while we did German. He was good-looking enough, but after the first beer I figured out that we were like oil and water. C'est la vie. At least I could get him to help me with German, and at the very least I could make a new friend.

So at the beginning of the semester, when my brother passed on some free football tickets to me, I asked German Teacher if he wanted to go. He was still in Germany, so he wrote an vague "sorry and looking forward to catching up again" email. Ach, whatever, I thought, if he meant it for real he'd call me; and I was already getting tired of courting this cutie with whom I knew I had nothing in common; and I thought he was probably just being polite anyways. But he did get in touch with me, much to my surprise. Yesterday I got one of those "I hope you got my last email" emails from him, which concluded with another "let me know when you want to hang out." I was pleased to learn that he actually meant it, but I was also annoyed that he didn't just say let's do this instead of leaving it up to me again. I mean, I've already made enough overtures - all of them, in fact. But I thought I'd cut him some slack - since I am the self-declared pants-wearer - and since I needed to celebrate my history test anyways, I emailed him my phone number and told him to call me if he wanted to go out that night.

He didn't get my message on time, so I didn't hear from him, but this morning I got another email saying sorry, but he's free on Sunday, or if that doesn't work, we could go out some night during the week. Enough already! I wish he'd stop his pussy-footing and just share the burden of being the man. Or, if he really wants to make this a group effort, he should just call me, or at least give me his phone number (which he didn't) so I can call him. I'm so annoyed that I haven't even responded to him yet. At this point, it would be open hostility if I blew him off, so I guess I'll have to take the bullet and plan this one date. But I don't know what tone will come out in the email, because I'm really getting bored with this email-tag game.


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