Monday, May 23, 2005

Senate Showdown

A bit of a letdown. After all that drama, the compromise is pretty much what we thought it would be, way back when the drama started. Our senators are some divas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, what's this about? John Bolton? I feel so politically ignorant at times, but I have this to say: the United Nations, if not in practice, is a symbol of peace. By undermining it, or outright tearing it down, you destroy the only world body that can maintain the diversity of voice and our biggest symbol of equality and tolerance and... humanity.

5:28 PM, May 26, 2005  
Blogger Rex said...

Oh no, not the UN, thank God. My fault for being unclear. I was talking about the filibuster compromise that happened last Monday, though it's become apparent since then that the compromise hasn't fixed much of anything - precisely because it went back to square one, I would think.

6:17 PM, May 26, 2005  

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